Thursday, March 6, 2014

What are Mystery Shadows and Shadow People?

What if the darkness, shadows, dark wisps, shadow people, that people see, were coming from an area that an entity (entity meaning human or ET) resides?
Say for instance, a place where it's already nighttime there and this entity is in meditation ... possibly astral projecting to you or whomever ... for whatever reason.
This entity could even be asleep, yet the spirits around this entity could be using its mind to mind project to another to attack or view something or someone in another's time or dimension.
Mind power that, in this deep trance/dream state, could open doors, project images, touch or harm another's body, etc. Unaware of anything but dreaming a possible strange dream.
Mind power of even the animal kingdom that may be used as well. Done innocently (doing what comes naturally to their species) or with malice ... used by another's purpose. The reasons are all in the universe.
Doesn't seem as frightening or fearful when you think of it in this manner. Does it?
Especially, since we could all be doing the same to another in our dreams; which would make us look "evil" to other entities. Others undergoing similar experiences and not necessarily from  malevolent supernatural entities to be feared ... just regular people like you and me. Understand?
The big question would be then, if we are possibly being puppeted, during our dreams or meditations, who are the puppet masters and would their purpose be in education or self gain? Answering that takes awareness and time.
All these "what ifs" scenarios were things I learned a very long time ago. It's something I've shared with many people and for many years ... alleviating their fears.
Yes, many people have "seen" things but isn't it better to question and understand then fall victim to fear? Isn't it better to know why something is going on and not be victimized by ignorance?
I liked to think so.
The shadow picture below is my husband and I on a fall trip in 2012. It's the only types of shadows that I prefer to see, but I know I've seen much more.
I may see things that are still mysterious to some people, but not to me. I didn't feel fear in what I saw; I felt curiosity.
The need to know more.
The need to uncover the mysteries.

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