Thursday, March 20, 2014

Suicide: Human Sacrifice?

Suicide rates are being reported on the rise. There's information and charts about it all over the internet which one can investigate and confirm this statement. 

A lot of talk is regarding military battle weary minds. However what about the minds of the young or old that do so, or the ones that never faught in a war? Are they involved in neighborhood battles creating these types of weary, suicidal minds?

Maybe it's due to the conspiracies of depleting the population which wars, famine, disease or natural disasters aren't creating fast enough. Right!

We keep forgetting one thing we consider too dark age to discuss ... and continually sweep it under the carpet ... spirit possession or mind attacks.

It's in their minds ... we are told ... but who's in their minds with them and why? Where are these intrusive, negative thoughts coming from and who?

I may be repeating myself with this blog because I said a lot of this in my 2010 video below ... plus much more ... please watch it. It helped me understand a lot.

Human Sacrifice - Then and Now?

It's an age old awareness that we keep wanting to forget. We have wars and people think they kill their enemies during these battles. We believe we kill our enemies when we put them to death in any form of execution.

That's what we want to believe ... but is it true?

It boils down to one thing: people think they kill their enemies in wars, a fight, or an execution, when all they've done is released their souls back into the universe to be possessed by them or anyone they choose to utilize to help them seek retribution or revenge.

In the ancient days, human sacrifices were offered to the gods to protect them from curses. This feared curse could  possibly be from an enemy or tribe that they could have been warring with or have done a transgression against ... give up a life to "appease the gods" (spirits) ... and most of the time it was a child's life ... eventually becoming an animal's life to make them more humane in their sacrifice.

However, did it ever really work? Did the tormenting of minds continue even after the dutiful sacrifice?

Today, our deliberate ignorance of possession is allowing suicides because we cover it with medication that has been known to make it worse. Instead of dealing with this as a viable subject, because it's something from our past that's considered dark age thinking, we cover it with mind altering substances or medication to no avail. 

Or, maybe our ignorance is due to those who don't want us to know they (spirits) exist, so they can continue seeking their vengeance upon the minds of the unsuspecting until they get them to perform their desired sacrifice ... suicide ... even utilizing their loved ones to assist in the dirty deed. 

The ancient Chinese had a philosophical point of view that makes a lot of sense regarding this subject: "keep your enemies alive, they will suffer longer."


Maybe they felt that a soul incarnated will suffer in their physical responsibilities and learn from their suffering ... possibly making them better people in the long run.

Maybe those who wish to possess should consider that enticing someone to commit suicide could backfire on them ... when they release their souls back into the universe they may have just created a monster onto themselves ... seeking vengeance .... going after their loved ones to commit suicide in retaliation.

And ... we the smart ... the intelligent ... the oh so scientifically aware .... keep allowing these suicides.

Why? Because we, in our superior egos, know better then our ancestors? Right!

One may wonder ... when will it ever end? Sadly, it hasn't ended in thousands of years due to hate and ignorance. Which is only saying that hate and ignorance is still how we react ... and that we, apparently, haven't learned a thing in thousands of years. 

Sacrifice? Suicide? Stupidity? Science?

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