Friday, March 7, 2014

Spirits Don't Need Your Validation To Exist!

I've learned that, after 25 years of searching for the truth in the universe and consulting with many people, there's many reasons things can happen to people due to "spirit possession and/or attacks" ... from our energy or another's.

However we can go around with our head in a hole ignoring this situation or learn to deal with it ... because the obvious fact is they're around .... always have been around .... and always will be around.

This is not a fear issue I'm creating with this post. Like a doctor that sees a problem, the patient has to be informed in order for treatment to be recommended. I see and say, because like a virus that can be destructive, so can this get out of control.

Knowledge is important, yet, as I said above, it doesn't always make it go away, especially when the possession or attack to another is being led by another physical person on a vendetta ... someone into mind power using it for hate or personal gain.

Under this condition ... no one is immune ... no one. You have two choices ... learn to empower yourself or keep giving your power away to another.

It's a free will choice.