Saturday, March 1, 2014

Dark Art ... Black Magic?

This link has a very interesting perspective of what we can draw to us because of the things we do in life. The comments after the article are interesting too.

Yes, there are those that develop obsessive compulsive behavior due to their interests/attractions ... something that controls them and not the other way around. This article is on art and it's dark presentation, which can possibly create issues in one's life ... and others too.

I must have had an invisible shield to protect me all my life, because I could watch movies of fantasy, violence, sexual content or anything scary and still go away from it and not be personally involved ... not become obsessed or possessed by them. It's the same with books or games. Maybe it's just because I was too personally involved in my life to allow myself to be drawn in or stay drawn in ... life's too short to be miserable as they say.

However, some internal instinct must help me draw a strong line of protection from things that can do damage to my life. I've stayed very grounded in my physical reality while investigating other-worldly subjects due to a natural curiosity. Those that know me, know I'm a questioner and that can invoke 

unpleasant situations, yet I'm a no nonsense person who learned to say: put up or shut up ... prove it! I do not accept less. I'm not easily persuaded to any side ... dark or light ... without a good reason.

Yes, I've felt and seen the dark side ... thankfully not as horrible as some have ...  but due to my protective instincts I've managed to survive it. It's like swimming in mud as opposed to a clear lake. I prefer the clear lake but I have been compelled to help others out of the mud a few times ... but only if they ask ... no sense wasting my time or theirs.

That hasn't always forebode well for my state of mind but my grounding and current awareness assists in my protection. Without a "lifesaver" it's not good to try and save someone from drowning ... as they can pull you down with them.


I actually found the blog site where the first link I posted above originated, along with the picture that started the debate. The pro and con discussions are also very interesting.


I suppose anything that can influence  anyone ... based on each individual's mental state. I have a few friends who have drawn what may be considered dark art and have been under psychic attack ... yet they are still holding their own and have not been swallowed up by the darkness. They're not into black magic either. Maybe it's due to their strong will or the balance in the universe of all the fluffy art stuff being produced as well ... some even by them. :)

picture - free wallpaper art

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